Monday, April 4, 2011

Learning New Tricks

I know I say this a lot but I LOVE the stage that Bryson is in right now. He is SO much fun! He is exploring and learning new things all the time. His new tricks are waving Bye-Bye (consistently), shaking his head no REALLY fast (hilarious--Daddy's favorite), touching EVERYTHING he sees (not my favorite new trick), giving kisses (Mommy's favorite), saying "Uh Oh" when he chunks something at you :) or drops something on purpose, playing with his food and putting it on his head, falling asleep in the high chair, pitching fits (bowing his back, kicking, and slinging his head :( ) and mocking just about anything that you do. Here are a few pictures of his "new" tricks. :)

Pitching a fit :(

Playing with his Mum Mums and Puffs

Sleeping in the High Chair

Giving Mommy Kisses :)

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